Re-Test Policies

WHat do i have to do before i CAN TEST AGAIN?

If you are required to repeat a practical exam you will be assigned one of two options:

  • A 30 Hour Re-test

  • A 60 hour Re-test

Typically 30 Hour Re-tests are for Beginner and Intermediate I Exams while 60 Hour Re-tests are assigned for Intermediate II or Advanced level exams.

No one wants to add on more hours to their program but everyone wants to pass their practical exams with flying colors.

Many trainees re-test at one level or another. It’s not a reflection of the teacher you will become. Exams are just a moment in time, a snapshot of today and they rarely tell the full story.

When can i schedule the re-test?

Practical exams can be scheduled according to the below guidelines:

  • Beginner and Intermediate I examinees must wait a minimum of two weeks to schedule their re-test.

  • Intermediate II and Advanced examinees must wait a minimum of four weeks to schedule their re-test.

  • Trainees must complete all additional assigned hours before re-testing.

WHat do i have to do to complete the extra hours?

If you are required to repeat a practical exam you will meet with your program management to review a set of goals and solutions.

At the end of that meeting you will be supplied with spreadsheet to track the specific hours required in each category in order to re-test. Your spreadsheet will be monitored.

You will also be given a provisional re-test date or deadline by which you should schedule your exam.

Following the guidelines you are given from the training team is your best recipe for success. Nearly all trainees successfully pass the second attempt at a practical exam.